I wanted to tell you all Merry Christmas (even though it's a day late). Denton & I went to his parents house on Christmas Eve for a party which was very fun, I love getting together with everyone, I can't wait till we have our own children so were not out of the loop all the time, but I'm in no rush gotta finish school first. We spent the night at our cute little apartment, I woke up early to go rearrange the presents so it looked like Santa Claus was there. We had a fun morning, Denton kept saying we were opening presents to fast and that it was almost over-I didn't care cuz I was so excited and I also wanted to get on the road to go to Provo. It was nice having a white christmas, the roads were horrible though. We spent the rest of the day down in Provo. I love being around my family, I can't believe that my brother is going to graduate this year. It doesn't even fell like that he has been in High school (now I'm just going off) anyways we are headed to Idaho in the morning for the Nielson christmas party and we'll be coming home sunday afternoon. Time goes by way to fast.
I'm excited for the New Year, Denton & I have a lot planned. In January we're going to 3 Jazz games & a BYU Basketball game, we'll be headed to Las Vegas for a weekend to go see the show La Reve at the Winns and it's my dad's B-day, Dentons B-day is in february and my cousin Austin is getting married in Feb so we'll be heading back up to Idaho. School will be starting as well. The first week of June we're going to D.C., NYC, Philly, and Virigina Beach then in July we'll be going to the Oregon Coast with family.
I hope you all have a great New Year and a lot of memories to come, I love you all & I'm sorry for the delay between blogs. Thanks for being such great friends!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ok so I'm ticked because I just wrote this long blog of our trip to california and I somehow deleted it so now you get the shortened version. First off to all the chicka's I got pulled over on the way down going 20 over, thankfully to my wonderful husband I drove off scotch free!
We started our journey to San Diego and the first place we ate was the Beach Side Deli and Moo time for dessert. We also went to sea world, the wild animal park, tijuana, and an air craft carrier ship. We also were able to meet up with my parents because they were in town for business. I love my family to death. We ended our trip with going to Disneyland for 3 days. Denton has not been there in 20 years-weird!!!
We had so much fun on this trip, it was nice to be able to spend this much time with my hubby.
Monday, September 15, 2008

I can't believe it has been a year already-man does time fly by.
After class Denton took me out to Goodwood (which was our first date) for dinner then we came back and watched the Eagles and Cowboys football game then our wedding video.
We are off to San Diego and Disneyland later this month to celebrate the one year mark!!!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
So it's that time of year again school is in session. After taking a year off I decided I better get back and finish before kids come along. Man it's hard working 40+ hours a week and doing night school but I am determined to finish, it might take 6 more years but I will finish!!!
Saturday, July 19, 2008

Saturday, May 31, 2008
Fun in the Sun!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Lazy Days
So its Wednesday morning and I am home sick being bored. Its kind of fun though to just relax. We finally got internet only because Denton completed his training a month and a half early and now he has his truck and the laptop that has internet. Its great we don't pay a dime for it. I'm so proud of him. His first day alone is on friday night. Its funny to watch him get all excited about it. So I woke up this morning with a massive migraine and was throwing up all moring. NOT FUN! We discovered guitar hero this past weekend down at my parents house and we have been addicted every since. (I know we're like a year behind everyone else so don't make fun!) We went out and bought 2 guitars and stay up all hours of the night playing. There really isn't much else to do here in Ogden.
I wanted to tell Kim and Jake thanks so much for letting all of us girls and spouses come hang out at their new house and eat pizza and watch the Jazz game. I really miss seeing you guys all the time.
Well nothing is new with us, we're still in the hunt for a house, its a long process trying to find something we like. We have become obsessed with english bulldogs and want to get one really bad but we can't since of the apartment so we just look at them on the internet. One day we'll have a dog.
Love you all!!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Oh so LONG!!!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
It's the beginning of a new year and it has already been a blast! December 31st was such a fun evening, Denton and I went down to Provo to spend time with my girls and their husbands. We played games, ate, and laughed all night. I sure miss being able to see them all the time!
That weekend was my dad's 58 birthday on Jan 4th and then my Birthday was on the 5th. I'm the BIG 22!!! (WEIRD-that seems so old!) Denton's parents took me out to dinner on that thursday to TGIF's and they had the waiters sing to me! It was a fun night! On my Birthday Denton and I drove down to SLC to meet up with my parents and go through a session in the SLC temple. It was beautiful! We then went out to lunch at the Pantry house (it was a good thing we ate cuz my mom and the lady sitting next to me kept laughing at me cuz my stomach wouldn't shut up!) We exchanged gifts in the parking lot of Little America and then went on our way. We spent the afternoon shopping at the Gateway Mall. It was freezing!!! We spent the night at the Anniversary Inn. Denton bought me an Ipod for my birthday I still haven't used it cuz we don't have internet access at home and I can't download music at work!
Denton had an interview for the enforcement side. We haven't heard anything yet but we should find out next week if he'll be transfering.
We are getting prepared for the NASCAR race in Las Vegas at the end of February. I'm exctied because we are going with Denton's sister and her husband, so maybe the three hour wait to get out of the parking lot won't be as bad as last year!