So its Wednesday morning and I am home sick being bored. Its kind of fun though to just relax. We finally got internet only because Denton completed his training a month and a half early and now he has his truck and the laptop that has internet. Its great we don't pay a dime for it. I'm so proud of him. His first day alone is on friday night. Its funny to watch him get all excited about it. So I woke up this morning with a massive migraine and was throwing up all moring. NOT FUN! We discovered guitar hero this past weekend down at my parents house and we have been addicted every since. (I know we're like a year behind everyone else so don't make fun!) We went out and bought 2 guitars and stay up all hours of the night playing. There really isn't much else to do here in Ogden.
I wanted to tell Kim and Jake thanks so much for letting all of us girls and spouses come hang out at their new house and eat pizza and watch the Jazz game. I really miss seeing you guys all the time.
Well nothing is new with us, we're still in the hunt for a house, its a long process trying to find something we like. We have become obsessed with english bulldogs and want to get one really bad but we can't since of the apartment so we just look at them on the internet. One day we'll have a dog.
Love you all!!